Давай подумаем, составив таблицу:
1 2
2 10
4 8
6 6
8 4
10 2
Считаем способы:
их 5.
Ответ - 5 способов.
Если будут какие-либо вопросы по этой задаче, пиши в сообщении,буду рада ответить!
lee29КейтМиделтон блестяще справилась с подсчетом числа различных способов выбрать размеры групп, не забыв учесть тот факт, что группы пронумерованы.
А теперь давай решим задачу.
Предположим, что в первой группе k человек, тогла во второй группе будет 12-k человек, где . Давай подумаем, сколько существует различных способов выбрать k учеников из двенадцати (таблицу составлять не будем). Осуществляется выбор без возвращения и без учета порядка, ответ известен — биномиальный коэффициент
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yairДобавить свой ответ
Сделайте пожалуйста вот также Смородина-сморординка. Снег-снежинка. Горох-горошина-горошинка. Вот с такими словами: 1)Чемпионка, солонка.2) Слезинка, льдинка.3)Ушко,избушка.4)Мячик, шкафчик. 5)Сестричка, ресничка.6)Крючок, пятачок.7)Дочки, чулочки.8)Пальчик, жетончик.
Заранее спасибо!
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1)Новые русские слова
2)Сложноподчинёные предложения и их синонимы
3)Отличее сложноподчинённых предложений от сложносочинённых
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It was so weird, it still freaks me out to think about it. About a year ago, l was shopping in Marks and Spencer. I had been to a lot of shops and I was feeling a bit tired. Finally, I thought I'd go up to the next floor of the shopping centre and look for a CD. As I was going up, I noticed a girl ahead of me almost at the top of the escalator. She was wearing a red jacket like mine. You know how you always feel curious about people you see wearing the same clothes, so I kept looking at her absent-mindedly. With growing amazement, I saw that the girl looked just like me from behind — same hairstyle, same colour, even her black bag was exactly like mine. The girl got to the top of the escalator before me. When I reached the top I looked around for her, but she had disappeared in the crowd of Saturday shoppers. I thought it was funny, until I went to look at some CDs in a shop window. I noticed another reflection in the window. I knew it wasn't me, it was the girl I had seen on the escalator. She was standing just behind me and looking at the same things. It was so weird. I turned round slowly but there was no one there. The next moment I caught a glimpse of the red jacket disappearing round the corner. But the weirdest bit was when I dashed after her and ran into my friend who was out shopping that day too. She looked surprised when she saw me. She said she had just seen me walk straight past her without even saying hello. She was sure the girl she had seen was me. I have read about it quite a lot, and the only explanation that fits what happened is that I saw my Doppelganger — my double. What bothers me, though, is that people usually see their Doppelganger before they die. I'm not easily scared, but I not wear that red jacket anymore.
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