One day a lady 1 _______ (saw) a mouse running
across her kitchen floor. She 2_____ (was) very afraid of mice, so she
3_______ (ran) out of the house, 4______ (got) in a bus and 5 ____ (went)
down to the shops. There she 6______ (bought) a mouse-trap. The shopkeeper
7_____ (said) to her, "8_____ (put) some cheese in it, and you
9______(will catch) that mouse." The lady 10_____ (came) home with her
mouse-trap, but when she 11_____ (looked) in her cupboard, she 12______
(couldn't) find any cheese in it. She 13_____ (did not want) to go back to the
shops, because it 14______ (was) very late, so she 15_____ (cut) a
picture of some cheese out of a magazine and 16______ (put) that into
the trap. Surprisingly, the picture of the cheese 17_____ (was) quite
successful! When the lady 18_____ (came) down to the kitchen the next
morning, there 19______ (was) a picture of a mouse in the trap beside the
picture of the cheese. What20___do you____ (think) the woman did next?