текст на английском языке на тему "зачем нужно изучать английский язык"
Английский языкАвтор:
adrienneEnglish language - is the engine of progress, it provides many benefits to its owners and opportunities in different areas of work and life in general.Many people are asking themselves why they should learn English? To be sure, there are many answers to it, and among this set are several most pressing. For a start, any desire for knowledge - is an indication that you are evolving as a highly intelligent person and differs thirst for knowledge in general. Secondly, the study of the English language - it's incredibly fascinating and interesting process that can inspire you to a new world of unknown communication that gives you new opportunities and challenges in the future. Besides, it is in the English language today is one of the most popular languages in the world, it seeks to study in different mills and on different continents. No matter where you came from to get a job you need to know the name of the English language, a fact that speaks volumes.Thus, the English language - is the engine of progress, it provides many benefits to its owners and opportunities in different areas of work and life in general.
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