это пассивный залог. но в каждом предложении есть ошибки ( не орфографические). исправьте плиз.
1the story were read three years ago.
2 we are not never asked at the English lesson.
3 The text will be translated yesterday .
4 English is speak all over the world .
5 Ice - cream be made from milk.
6 The game will be played in for days?
7 The computer was bought in the shop.
8 The flowers are not watered last week.
9 The homework is did every day
Английский языкАвтор:
papamiddleton1the story was read three years ago.
2 we are not never - нужно выбрать что-то одно asked at the English lesson.
3 The text will be translated tomorrow - или The text was translated yesterday
4 English is spoken all over the world .
5 Ice - cream is made from milk.
6 will The game be played in for days?
7 The computer was bought in the shop. здесь вроде нет ошибок
8 The flowers were not watered last week.
9 The homework is done every day
jaelynnburnett1the story was read three years ago.
2 we are never asked at the English lesson.
3 The text will be translated tomorrow .
4 English is spoken all over the world .
5 Ice - cream is made from milk.
6 Will the game be played in for days?
7 The computer is bought in the shop.
8 The flowers were not watered last week.
9 The homework is done every day
caponeДобавить свой ответ
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помогите пожалуйста решить надо поставить знаки больше или меньше или равно. 2суток*47часов . 5в.42года*54года. 8ц20кг*820кг . 3ч*120 мин . 6мин*300с . 9ц*900кг. 4ц5кг*45кг. 20кг*2ц. 1год3дня*381день...
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