There are no children — there are just human beings with a different scale of notions, a different stock of experience, different interests and a different play of feelings. Remember that we don't know them...All contemporary upbringing of children is aimed at making the child convenient for the adults. Consistently, step by step it strives to lull, to suppress, to wipe out that makes up the child's will, his freedom, his fortitude and the strength of his demands.If the child is polite, obedient, sweet and convenient to you, you often give no thought to his becoming a spineless loser in the future...Have you ever noticed how often you hear your child say, "Shall I open it?" when there is a ring at the door?Firstly,the lock on the entrance door is tight, secondly there is a feeling that there beyond the door a grown-up is standing who cannot cope and wait for you to help him...These are the small achievements for a child to celebrate, already dreaming of distant trips/travellings, in his dreams he is Robinson on a deserted island, and in reality he is as pleased as Punch to be allowed to look out of the window.