Если у тебя в предложении стоит указание на выполнение действия в конкретный момент, ставишь Continious, если действие повторяющееся/привычное/обычное, тогда Simple.1) I am taking... (есть now), I take... (есть every day)2) He is helping..., he helps...3) ...they are going..., They usually go...4)She is playing, she plays5) I am reading, I read6) He is sleeping, He sleeps7) We are drinking, we drink8) The are going, they go9) I am not sleeping, I don't sleep10) She isn't drinking, she doesn't drink11) We are not watching, we don't watch12) The aren't eating, they don't eat13) My mother isn't working, my mother doesn't work14) Are you working, Do you work15) Is he playing, Does he play16) Are they eating, Do they eat17) Are your sister resting, Does she rest18) What are you doing, What do you do19) What are you reading, What do you read20) What are they eating, what do they eat21) What is your brother drinking, what does your brother drink22) Is everybody having, Does everybody23) Is she taking, Does she take24) Where are they going, where do they go25) Are they speaking, do they speak