Paul (1) _______ (was getting) worried. The two unsmiling police officers
obviously (2) _________ (did not believe) his story and one of them (3)
__________ (was talking)
quietly but urgently on the phone. From the look of their faces they (4)
___________ (were suspecting) him of something but Paul still had no idea what.
All he knew was that at 3.30 in the morning he (5) __________ (was walking)
home when a police car (6) ____________ (came) to a sudden stop right
next to him. The two officers jumped out and demanded to know who he (7)
_________ (was) and where he (8) _________ (was). ‘Paul Hughes,’ he
replied, ‘and I (9) ________ (am) at the 2020 Club downtown. Now I (10)
___________ (am going) home.’ It (11) ___________ (was raining), Paul was tired and
wanted to get home quickly, but the police (12) ____________ (were)
suspicious. ‘Where’s home?’, asked the younger policeman. ‘The
Stonechurch estate,’ answered Paul, aware of the reputation for crime it
(13) __________ (had acquired) in recent years. ‘So what (14) _________ (are you
doing) round here?’ said the older one, ‘This isn’t the way from the city
centre.’ ‘I know,’ said Paul, feeling a bit irritated, ‘but I (15)
__________ (was given) a lift by a guy at the 2020. He (16) ________ (dropped)
me off at Bank St Station about 15 minutes ago. Since then I (17)
________ (have been walking).’ ‘What was his name?’ ‘No idea.’ ‘What (18) ___________
(does he look like)?’ ‘Tall, heavily-built, skinhead. Kind of tough-looking.
He (19) _________ (wore) a blue denim jacket.’ ‘And the car?’ ‘A
convertible BMW; a 5-Series. Green, I think.’ The policemen (20)
___________ (looked at) each other for second. ‘That car (21) ___________
(was found) a few minutes ago. It (22) __________ (had been left) behind the
station.’ ‘So what’s that got to do with me?’, said Paul, starting to
feel uneasy. ‘Quite a lot,’ replied the older policeman. A report (23)
___________(was received) just after 3 a.m. that a green BMW (24) __________
(had been stolen). From outside the 2020. Then, a few minutes later a young man
(25) _________ (was observed) walking away from the vehicle near Bank St
Station. That person (26) __________ (was described) as average height,
dark-haired and slim. Very much like you, in fact. And since then nobody
else (27) ___________ (has been seen) anywhere near the car. You’re in trouble,
Paul, and we (28) __________ (are takinge) you to the police station for
further questioning. When we (29) _________ (get) there we (30)
_________ (will tell) you what we’ve found in that car.