Расскажите,кто из ваших друзей и родных любит/ умеет/ не умеет/ делать СЛЕДУЮЩЕЕ:
1.Петь...Например-My silly sister likes to sing,but she cannot sing at all.
My Mammy can sing very well.
3.Ловить лягушек.
4.Писать стихи.
5.Считать воробьёв.
6.Печь пирожные (to make cakes).
7.Говорить скороговорки.
1.My mother Can't sing,when somebody watch on her2.My best friend swim very well3.My sister catching frogs,when she has spare time4.My brother write writes poems about love,it is so exceted.5.My girlfriend counts sparrows in the street.6.My father can makes delicious cakes.7.My aunt can speaking tongue twisters quickly.