Проверьте, пожалуйста, сочинение на английском. Если есть ошибки в грамматике или с построении предложения или в употреблении слов, пожалуйста, исправьте их.
English for me.
There are many countries in the world are speaking on their own language, which is used by all population. Among all languages we have the international languages as English, Germany, Italian, Spanish, Franch, Chinese, Spainish and exrt..
Nowadays English is played an important role in the business, science, medicine and technology. It is a language of diplomatic, communication and international relations. Every day English become more popular in other place.
If you know a lot of the foreign languages, you will have many opportunities. They are looking as an entrance in the world of finance. Now, all kinds of jobs demand ownership of two language.
As for me, English is a very important language in my life, because it gives me for another chance to find the best job and open my outlook and knowledges. Now I study English at school. But it isn’t easy for me and I try learning it. I never give up, because English is very useful in the future.
Английский языкАвтор:
albinal65woшибок очень мало,хорошо написано
исправленный вариант:
English for me.
There are many countries in the world.They are speaking on their own language, which is used by all population. Among all languages we have the international languages as English, Germany, Italian, Spanish, Franch, Chinese, Spainish and exrt..
Nowadays English is played an important role in the business, science, medicine and technology. It is a language of diplomatic, communication and international relations. Every day English become more popular in other place.
If you know a lot of the foreign languages, you will have many opportunities. They are looking as an entrance in the world of finance. Now, all kinds of jobs demand ownership of two language.
As for me, English is a very important language in my life, because it gives me opportunity to find good job and open my outlook and knowledges. Now I study English at school. It isn’t easy but I try hard. I never give up, because English is very useful in the future.
wilberit9wThere are many countries in the world where people speak their own language, which is used by all population. Among all foreign languages we have the international languages such as English, Germany, Italian, Spanish, Franch, Chinese, Spainish and exrt..
Nowadays English is played an important role in business, science, medicine and technology. It is language of diplomatic, communication and international relations. Every day English become more popular all over the world.
If you know a lot of foreign languages, you will have many opportunities. This knowledge is your way in the world of finance. Now, all kinds of jobs demand knowledge of two language.
As for me, English is a very important language in my life, because it gives me a chance to find the best job and open my outlook and knowledges. Now I study English at school. But it isn’t easy for me and I try to learn it well. I never give up to study English, because English will be very useful in my future.
jaylenkelleyДобавить свой ответ
Русский языкАвтор:
В керосин погружён кусок железа массой 500 грамм. Опредилите выталкивающую силу, если плотность железа 7900 кг/м^3, плотность керосина 820 кг/м^3
Українська моваАвтор:
решите уравнение (х-5)(х+5)-(х+(х-1)=9х