Надо написать небольшую историю о Великобритании (UK)
Английский языкАвтор:
kaseyuzr6Great Britain (Russian name from the English. Great Britain; full name - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, England. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in English usually shortened to «United Kingdom» [jʊ̈nai̯tɘd kɪŋɡdə̯m]? - «United Kingdom ") - an island state in north-western Europe. [6] UK - one of the largest countries in Europe, nuclear power, a permanent member of the UN Security Council. Heir to the British Empire, the largest state in the history that existed in the XIX - early XX century.Great Britain is the birthplace of modern parliamentary democracy. Government - a parliamentary monarchy.The state is divided into four "historical provinces" (in English - «countries», ie "country"): England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The shape of the administrative-territorial structure - unitary state, although three of the four historic provinces (except England) have a considerable degree of autonomy.Capital - the city of London, one of the largest cities in Europe and a major global financial center.Official language - English.
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