Open the brackets to make the story complete.
Long, long ago, in the days when magic was still in some use, an old Wicked Witch (1. put) a King's son under a spell.[1] She (2. shut) him in a great iron Chest. Then, with the help of her magic she (3. hide) the Prince, Chest, and all, in the middle of a lonely forest. No one (4. know) what (5. become) of the Prince. The Prince's father (6. send) men far and wide but they (7. can, not) (8. find) him. Year after year the Chest (9. stand) there in the great wild forest.
It so (10. happen) that a King's daughter (11. lose) her way in that forest. She (12. walk) for nine days and suddenly she (13. see) some strange Chest (14. stand) in front of her. She also (15. hear) the Chest (16. speak). The Chest (17. want) (18. know) where the girl (19. come) from and where she (20. go). She (21. answer) she (22. lose) her way. The voice from the Chest (23. say) it (24. help) the girl if she (25. promise) (26. come) back and (27. marry) him. She (28. agree).
Английский языкАвтор:
Ángelscq91) put
2) shut
3) hid
4) knew
5) had become
6) sent
7-8) coudn't find
9) stood
10) happened
11) lost
12) had been walking
13) saw
14) standing
15) heard
16) speaking
17-18) wanted to know
19) had come
20) was going
21) answered
22) had lost
23) said
24) would help
25-26) promised to come
27) married
28) agreed
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