Здравствуйте)помогите пожалуйста перевести русские предложения на английский в косвенной речи 1)ОН спросил меня,где я был этим летом? 2)мама спросила меня сделал ли я уроки? 3)мой друг спросил,люблю ли я пицу? 4)Бил поинтересовался,почему Сара такая грустная? 5)Джон захотел узнать что его брат делал вчера в 9 часов вечера?
Английский языкАвтор:
moon341)He asked me where I had been to that summer2)Mother asked me whether I had done my lessons3)Me friend asked me whether I loved pizza4)Bill was interested why Sara had been so sad5)John wondered what his brother had been doing at 9 o'clock the day before yesterday
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А- Hi!
В - Hi! I know that you attended a lecture on art last Sunday. Сan you tell me about it?
А - Yes of course. It was interesting when talking about icon-painting. It began to develop in Kyivan Rus in the 10th century, after Prince Vladimir had baptised state. Icon painters — mostly monks — depicted Christ, the Virgin, angels and saints.
В - It's very interesting. I know about the mosaic and frescoes of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyev, that is one of the most distinguished among the memorials of that period.
А - You're right. For comparison portrait painting as a separate genre appeared during the Renaissance and was strongly influenced by the icon tradition. The first portraits included portrayals of nobles and Cossack chiefs.
В - I know that Taras Shevchenko was considered the father of modern Ukrainian painting. He painted numerous portraits, self-portraits and landscapes with many architectural monuments ofUkraine. During the 19th century landscape painting appeared as a separate genre, and not only in the works of Shevchenko.
А - At that time Ukraine was called East European Italy. Artists from Russia and European countries visited Ukraine to enrich themselves with new themes and images.
В - What do you know about impressionism and the avant-garde tendencies?
А - They were the leading European art trends that Ukrainian art on the verge of the turn of the 20th century could not avoid.
В - I heard: an original phenomenon of the early 20th century was Mykhailo Boichuk Art School. It combined the traditions of folk picture, local primitive painting and the principles of religion art.
А - So, we conclude, that present-day Ukrainian art is developing in harmony with world art. National theme remains topical in painting — in thematic and historical pictures, landscapes, associative and formalistic works.
Английский языкАвтор:
Чому монгольська навала припинила своє існування Київської Русі
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