Помогите составить 7-10 предложений на англ.языке. Some people think that odern man has become lazy and spoiled by all the new machinery doing everything for him.What do you think? (афанасьева,михеева 9кл.unit 3 section 4 Ex 4)
Английский языкАвтор:
casiocolemanSome people think that modern man has become lazy and spoiled by all the new machinery doing everything for him, but I can't agree with this statement. As for me, it's a costant will of a man that has made us to live in a better world today. People spent decades, sometimes all their lifes to explore or to invent something to help others to survive, to keep their lifes or just to lighten their burden. Who would say that one can live now in a city without a cooker, a vacuum cleaner or a fridge? What are you going to do without a PC nowadays? Do all these tools make us lazy and spoiled? No, and no once again. But they let us have more spare time to think about other problems that everyday life puts before us. And we should thank the progress! Here, I wouldn't say about the bad side of the progress, as it is not the right place.
And for those who still believe, that modern man is spoiled by the machinery, I would recommend going to an uninhabited island and living there for several months...
dillanl13kДобавить свой ответ
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кто эти композиторы. и напишите годы жизни " когда родились и когда умерли
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