Write negative sentences 1.The bird is little. ...........................................little. 2.The bird is drinking. ........................................... 3.We are in the park. ................................................ 4.We are playing in the park. ............................................... in the park. 5.I am reading a book. ............................................ a book. 6.They are in the classroom. ............................................ in the classroom. 7.They are sitting near the window. ................................................near the window. 8.Ann is using the computer. ..................................the computer. 9.The writer is answering the questions. ..................................................the questions. 10.I am looking at your pisture. .......................................at your pisture.
Помогите пожалуйста кто поможет буду очень благодарна.Даю 20 пунктов за решение!
Английский языкАвтор:
dirt1. the bird is not little.
2. the bird is not drinking.
3. we are not in the park.
4. we are not playing in the park.
5. I am not reading a book.
6. They are not in the classroom
7.They are not sitting near the window
8..Ann is not using the computer.
9. The writer is not answering the questions.
10. .I am not looking at your picture.
camilleg9qr1.The bird is little. The bird isn't little.
2.The bird is drinking. The bird isn't drinking
3.We are in the park.We are not in the park.
4We are playing in the park.We are not playing in the park.
5.I am reading a book. .I am not reading a book.
6.They are in the classroom.They are not in the classroom.
7.They are sitting near the window.They are not sitting near the window.
8.Ann is using the computer.Ann is not using the computer
9.The writer is answering the questions. The writer is not answering the questions.
10.I am looking at your pisture.I am not looking at your picture
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