сочинение по английскому на тему мое Воскресенье (10-15 предложений)
Английский языкАвтор:
koletwsmI love often helps around the house, it is so interesting! I vacuuming, my mother very gratefully. I am every Wednesday and every Sunday I clean the house, and sometimes . help with the dishes. Mom says I very dear her .i love to help because good to hear thanks!-сочинение на английском перевод - Я люблю часто помогать по дому, это так интересно! я пылесосю, мама очень благодарна. Я каждую среду и каждое воскресенье убираю дом, а иногда и. помогаю с посудой. Мама говорит, что я ей очень дорога. Я люблю помогать, потому что приятно слышать, спасибо!
gerardoДобавить свой ответ
1 Express surprise about the following statements using the word really.
Example: This boy is ill. Is he really ill?
1. He always has breakfast at the restaurant. 2.I have cut my finger. 3.He bought the medicine at the baker's. 4.He has a high temperature. 5.The doctor hasn't given me any recommendations. 6.Insomnia is contagious. 7.We shouldn't always follow the doctor's instructions.
2.Express your agreement with the statements given below using certainly. Example:
Natalia is the best pupil in our form.
Oh, certainly, she is.
1) John is a good sportsman. 2) The dentist pulled his tooth out. 3) She has a cold in her head. 4) Mike was consulted by the doctor. 5) His sister has forgotten to gargle her throat.
Английский языкАвтор:
Запишите в миллионах числа:
13 000 000; 3 700 000; 24 250 000; 243 760 000
Запишите в тысячах числа:
320 000; 75 000; 15 700; 365 240; 1 875 900; 17млн; 6 млрд 524 млн.
1) 30° ю.ш.;
2) 20° ю.ш.;
3) 10° ю.ш.;
4) 0° ш.;
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