13. When I came home yesterday - PAST SIMPLE the children were running and singing merrily. - PAST CONTINUOUS "We are learning a new song!" - PRESENT CONTINUOUSthey cried. - PAST SIMPLE14. When the young man entered the room, she looked at him in surprise. - PAST SIMPLE "What do you want to tell me?" - PRESENT SIMPLEshe said. - PAST SIMPLE"Why have you come?" - PRESENT PERFECT 15. It was raining hard - PAST CONTINUOUSwhen I left home yesterday, so I returned, put on my raincoat and started again. - PAST SIMPLEHave a look! That is the Golden Gate Brige on your left.-Oh,it is beautiful.- PRESENT SIMPLEI've just taken a picture of it. 21. I have spained my ankle again. - PRESENT PERFECT22. A world-famous violonist is playing at tonight's concert. - PRESENT CONTINUOUS 23. The children were playing with their train set the whole evening yesterday. - PAST CONTINUOUS