Once upon a time there was a girl, whose name was Eleanor Nait. She died of a drug overdose. No, she wasn't an addict. Just two boys were bored and they decided to give her some drugs. That was an overdose, so why she is dead. The girl neither get to heaven nor hell. Her location now is a simple room, from which she can't go out for a week already. She was an ordinary girl, who has everything: a family, a boyfriend, some friends. The same as other teenagers, she loved to have fun, but she would never take drugs. Nait accuses herself about being not so serious and not thinking about the consequences in her seventeen. If she were alive, she wouldn't do anything fiddle-faddle, but it's too late. It has no sense. People are such things, which don't appreciate what they have, and begin to appreciate, when the lost it. The same to her. But she can't even imagine, how her death will go on her favor.