1)the teacher asked at what temperature the snow melts.2)We knew that Jacob and Wilhelm wrote a lot of fairy tales.3)the tour Guide said that the construction of the Capitol building was completed in 1792.4)the Teacher told us that in the English language more than 450 000 words.5)We learned that Louis Sullivan designed the first skyscraper.6) I read that the U.S. Congress voted in favor of Returns of independence July 4, 1776.7)the lessons of history we've read a lot about the first colonists in America and learned that pilgrimsbounty his first harvest in autumn 1621.8)American colonists didn't want to be opravljal king. They sent a letter to Anglia,where he wrote, that they will fight for their independence.9)We didn't know that the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution gave jenshinam right to participate in elections in 1990.10) did You know that the amendment to the law - the change in the Constitution or the law?