Hinamatsuri (Jap. 雛 祭 り), ThereforeRussian Festival or Girls Doll Festival, one of the major festivals in Japan, which is celebrated on March 3. Also, the holiday is known as the first day of Feast of the snake (Jap. Dzёsi-but sekku) and peach blossom Festival (Jap. 桃 の 節 句 Momo-but sekku).On this day, families in which there are girls put on public display special dolls called hina ningyo (Jap. 雛 人形), which is mounted on a ladder-like tiered stand hinakadzari (Jap. 雛 飾 り). Hinakadzari usually has three, five or seven tiers, covered with red cloth, and often decorated with peach petals of flowers; room, which features dolls, decorated using balls made of artificial cherry petals and tangerine tree. Jewellery and accessories necessary for Hinamatsuri purchased at special fairs but Hina-ichi (Jap. 雛 の 市, literally "Puppet Bazaar"). Hina-iti but are held in February and are a good opportunity to meet and chat with friends and acquaintances.The girls wear fancy kimono with a floral pattern, go to visit, give each other gifts, eat a variety of sweets, such as KHISI mochi (Jap 菱 餅.), Hina arare - special magnificent sweets made of rice and covered with a sweet syrup, various cookies, drink sirodzake (Jap 白酒.) - white, sweet, low-alcohol sake. During the festival, the girls must abide by the rules of etiquette, so is traditionally Hinamatsuri education targets girls and allows their parents to show visitors that their daughters are well educated and own rules