Russia Moscow (ваш город) 02/10/16Hi Jane, I'm very happy to finally receive a letter from you. How are you? Hope you're fine.You asked me about the qualities I appreciate in friends. Well, these qualities are loyalty, kindness and respect for people. Also, it's important for me to have an honest friend. My friends and I really complement and understand each other and for that reason, I would do anything to make them feel good. Actually, we spend lots of time together because we go to the same school. However, even that is not enough for us, so we hang out together on weekends, too. Anyways, let's talk about your upcoming event. Is it your first time going skydiving? Aren't you afraid of getting under water? Is it your favourite sport? Sorry, have to go to bed now. Take care and keep in touch. Yours, (обязательно отступ перед 'yours')Sasha (ваше имя. Оу, и точку после имени ни в коем случае не ставьте) Здесь примерно 145 слов.