Is this toy for your little nephew? Will there be a concert next week? Was that his mistake or theirs? Was the flight delayed for half an hour? Will the Smirnovs be in the Crimea this summer? № 2 Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо. 1. I usually get … home AT six IN the evening. 2. Peter is going TO hospital FOR two days. 3. What are we having FOR dinner today? 4. I don't want to go TO the cinema tonight. My friend and I are going FOR a walk. 5. I stayed .... home AT ten yesterday morning. 6. Does your friend play … chess well? I’m going to have a game OF chess WITH… him. 7. She graduated FROM the institute OF Foreign Languages eight years go. 8. We usually work ON week-days. № 3 Вставьте артикли, где это необходимо: 1. I’d like to have A hamburger for … breakfast. 2. Pushkin is AN outstanding Russian poet. 3. Can you play THE piano? 4. Will you play … chess with me? 5. At … night I had A terrible headache after I had drunk A lot of coffee in THE evening.