Chemistry – a part of our life, and without certain processes which happened on Earth before,as life, naturally, us would arise wasn't. Digestion of food, breath of the person and an animal is based on chemical reactions. The same process of photosynthesis without which people won't be able to live is followed by chemical processes too.Very few people think when he sets fire to a match, about what carries out it difficult chemical process. Or, for example, respect for personal hygiene is followed too by chemical reactions when the person uses soap which foams at interaction with water. The same washing with use of powders, conditioners for mitigation of linen is followed by such reactions. Still crafts which cornerstone chemical processes were were in the ancient time widespread: for example, creation of ceramics, metal working, use of natural dyes. Thus, the chemistry in human life is and a panacea from diseases, both weapon, and economy, and cooking, and, of course, life.