1. The Strait of Dover ... the British Isles from the continent (
separates). 2. The main English rivers do not ... rapidly (flow). 3. The
Thames ... only nine miles from the eastern bank of the Severn (
begins). 4. The west wind sometimes ... rise to the danger of flooding
(gives). 5. If you ... to the west of the Pennine Chain, you will enter
the most beautiful part of England, the Lake District (go). 6. Where
does the beautiful lake Windermere lie? 7. The most northerly
town of England, Berwick ... at the month of the Tweed ( stands). 8.
When you ... in London, take as many photos as you can (are). 9. The
ship ... for London in a few days ( leaves). 10. I was listening in
last night. Suddenly the bell... and I ... my friend's voice: "Hurray! I
am going to England!" ( rings, hear). 11. What does one ... if one is
shortsighted ( use)?