The constitution of the UK is unwritten and specifically.
The first feature is historical character: as a set of legal norms,
precedents and customs that define the structure and powers of the governing.
The second distinguishing feature of British Basic Law is its flexibility. To
review any constitutional provisions it’s not required the passage of a
complex and long-term changes in the procedure. It’s practiced of the Basic Law
of the country performs well-known British conservatism.
So Basic Law of Britain have many features.
Single act “The Constitution of Great Britain” does not exist.
The Queen is
the “Face” of the country. She is fulfilling its constitutional role, which
is reflected in the royal prerogative currently. The Queen is involved in
various functions of ranging. She meets with foreign diplomats and
ambassadors sent abroad and controls citizenship. Many powers are exercised
by the Secret Council, where the Queen orders the Council argues that
implements the law, “Secondary legislation”. Secret Council is also used as a
mechanism for the government. It incites certain laws and exercises the
authority without the need to appeal to the Parliament to perform some minor
liabilities. One of such examples is the regulation of burial grounds in the
Elizabeth 1 is considered one of the greatest monarchs in the history of
Britain. She reigned 45 years. During all these year’s country has developed
manufacturing, particulary, shipbuilding. Britain became the “Cord of Seas”
and there was the rise of agriculture. No less have developed literature,
theatre and other forms of art. Contemporaries called the period of her reign
the “Golden Age” for the country. During the reign of Elizabeth 1 the English
court flourished evolving jewelry, perfume, gardening art. It was the age of
Shakespeare’s theatre, public plays and folk festivals. The policy of
Elizabeth 1 differed with moderation and caution. She didn’t want to make the
war, tried not to interfere with Parliament and made serious approach to the
solution of any state affairs.
Regions of
England are the administrative and territorial units of the upper level
dividing England into separate parts. Each region consists of one or several
individual county-level units. Separating of the regions was introduced in
1994 year by John Major’s government. In fact England has regions whose total
area is 130,425 square kilometers. Seven of nine regions border the Atlantic
ocean, the North Sea and the Irish Sea, the Bristol Bay, the Thames and the
Humber river. Three of nine regions of England have a formal border with
Wales and 2 regions border with Scotland. There are nine regions all in all.
So regions of
England are:
London. 2. South-East England. 3. South-West England. 4. West Midlands. 5.
North-West England. 6. North-East of England. 7. Yorkshire and the Humber. 8.
East Midlands. 9. East England.
“The chain is
so strong its weakest link’- August Rush said. This saying is very well
suited to any situation when people make something together. These words have
deep meaning which laids down and everyone understands it in his own way.
However in almost all cases it has one sense that means: One link is torn all
the whole chain is broken. This proverb reflects not only people’s social
activities and relationship in society. It also takes place in many other
situations, for example in political regimes. After all, if the laws will
begin to crumble, prescribed in the constitution, and all the power will
begin to crumble. If one law in the constitution is the weakest one so if may
lead to the destroy of the whole system of the state.