1)- Hey, Ben! Long time to see! How are you getting on?- I'm fine, thanks. And how are you? - Great! I'm going to visit Rome next week with my family.2)- Ann, how are you? I heard that your aunt Rosy is ill. - Yes, she caught a bronchitis. Now she's alright. But I'm glad you're concerned about her health. Thanks!- Not at all. 3)- I think it's pretty cold.- I agree. The weather wasn't that chilling yestarday. - So haven't you seen a forecast? If you watched it, you would dress warmer.- You know, I don't watch TV very often. 4)- Sorry for being late, mr. Smith. May I come in?- Yes, Kate. You should know, that I'm very upset over your lateness.- This isn't going to occur again. I promise.