At first I thought that my character - is astronaut. Because to fly in space need to be smart and strong, and very scary to be alone in a spaceship. Then it seemed to me that my hero - a policeman, because it protects us from bad people and different dangers. Then I thought that my heroes - those who sacrificed their lives and deeds committed in the war. And then I read in the book "Milestones" article Bulgakov "The heroism and selfless devotion" and realized that my hero - a simple village teacher, because the rush into the breach once - although it is difficult, but still easier than the day-to-day bear his awkward difficult cross. But then in the end I realized that I do not care for astronauts or soldiers, and in general, no matter what a person does, but what matters is how it does it and what he puts into it.Now my character - a dancer and athlete Vanya Katrunov.Yes, it is true that much more from me you can hear enthusiasm on another great dancer and athlete notorious Torbjorn, but now we are talking not only about dancing merits or win the competition, but about the courage, courage, patience, willpower, perseverance, the ability to overcome difficulties and achieve their own and win no matter what.