The magazine publisher and writer Edmund Yates advised Dodgson a pseudonym, and in "Diaries" Dodgson appears from11 February 1865: "I Wrote to Mr. Yates, offering him the choice of pseudonyms: 1) Edgar Catellis [name Edgar Cuthwellis obtained by permutation of the letters of Charles Lutwidge]; 2) Edgard W. H Estate [method for obtaining the alias is the same as in the previous case]; 3) Luis Carroll [Luis from Ludwig — Ludvik Louis Carroll from Charles]; 4) Lewis Carroll [on the same principle of translation, names Charles Lutwidge in Latin, and the reverse of translation from Latin into English]". The choice fell on Lewis Carroll. Since Charles Dodgson Lutwidge all his "serious" mathematical and logical works were signed with a real name, and all the literary pseudonym, stubbornly refusing to recognize the identity Dodgson and Carroll. Move on