Carl (presented) Rose with a huge diamond. People ( called) it "the
Heart of the Ocean". Before it (had belonged) to the queen's family. The
diamond (impressed) Rose. She (had never seen) anything like that. But she
refused (to wear) it. She ( hid) it in her safe and ( put) it on
only once, when Jack (was drawing) her portrait. (Returning) it in the
safe, Jack and Rose ( left) the cabin. Carl ( saw) his fiancee's
portrait and ( got) furious. He accused Jack of (stealing) the
diamond. The police ( arrested) Jack. They ( put) the diamond back into
the safe. After a huge iceberg (had hit) Titanic it started (to sink). Carl
( took) some money and the diamond out of the safe and (put) them
into the pocket of his coat. He thought he (would need) them when he (
escaped) the sinking ship. Unluckily he (gave) the coat to Rose. She (preserved) it her life. At the end of the film she (threw) it out into
the ocean.