1.__THE__Neva is _A___very beautiful river. It is in _THE__North of Russia. Mont Blanc, highest mountain of Alps, is highest mountain in _-Europe. And which is_THE___highest mountain in _---___North America? __THE__Mediterranean Sea lies to __THE__South of __----__Europe and to __THE__North of Africa. “__THE__ Sedov" sailed in _THE__Atlantic. “__THE__Times" is _A___bourgeois English newspaper. 2. I don't like to drink coffee in evening. I always drink strong tea. Please, pass me _THE__tea, or it will get cold. No, milk is not needed, piece of _A__lemon will be much better. __THE__Lemons you brought from __---__Batumi are very good. 3. At_THE__ sunset Mary sat at _A__window looking at __THE__ sky and _THE__sea in _THE_ distance. _THE__picture she saw was really beautiful. light white clouds were getting darker, _THE__ sun was growing smaller, _THE___white sail was coming nearer, shining in _THE___darkening air. Mary thought of her brother who had gone to _---__ sea and was now on __---__ board __THE_"Maria" sailing in _THE___Pacific.