- Every year many students go abroad to study .If you had a chance to study abroad . a ) Which country would you go ? a) - Well, I think I would go to England or to the USA.b) - What subjects would you study?b) - I would study English, Literature, History and Science, as well as Technology and Art.c) - What things would you have to do before you leave?c) - Before I leave I would have to become an exchange student, get my Mum and Dad's permission to live with a certain British or American family, see the doctor in order to check up my health.d) - What things wold you need to take with you?d) - I don't think I would need to take much things with me. Just the most nessessary, of course!e ) - What kind of things would you have to buy ?e) - Souvinirs for my host family, for sure, and may be something else. I haven't decided it so far. (=yet)f) - Would you stay at a hostel or with a family ? Why ? f) - As I have already mentioned I would prefer to stay with a family. Why? On the one hand I would have much more possibility to practice the language, and on the other hand I would have an excellent chance to watch real British or American family life and not on the cinema or TV screen.g) - What problems would you have ?g) - I suppose sometimes - language problems, and sometimes lacking some money. Because, I suppose there would be so many things to do and to see... But my parents are not money sacks!...h) - How would you keep in touch with your parents ?h) - Oh, nowadays it wouldn't be a problem at all. Certainly over the skype. -Thanks a lot! - The pleasure was mine.