By tradition, the British begin the day with the fact that the continent is called "full English breakfast". It includes: toast bread smeared with jam, marmalade or honey; fried in a pan dish (fried) of sausage mixture, bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes and eggs. Served all with hot tea with milk. In our time with the frantic pace of life and the general care of the health of a voluminous British breakfast is eaten only on weekends. On weekdays, breakfast is a typical Englishman consists of fruit juice, toast with jam and a plate of cereal (muesli) with tea.In some homes and workplaces there is a lunch around 11 hours. It consists of a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits (cookies). In fact, lunch can be at any time, and the majority of Britons willing to use it.Next time meal - lunch - between 12.30 and 14.00. Some prefer at this time snack sandwich, others do not give up a full set of three dishes. In schools, this meal is called lunch.Afternoon tea is served at any time from 16.00 to 17.00 and includes the majority of the British cup of tea with a sandwich or a cake. In some families, mostly workers, at this time can pass the main evening meal.