Упражнение№ 1. Раскройте скобки.
1. My book (to lie) on the table.
2. They (to work).
3. The doctor and her patient (to talk).
4. We (to cook) dinner. My mother (to make) a salad.
5. A young man (to drive) a car. He (to listen) music.
6. My grandfather (to read) a book.
7. The pen (to lie) on the floor.
8. You (to have) a break?
9. She still (to sing).
Упражнение№ 2. Translate.
не через переводчик
1. Мы пишем.
2. Они не читают.
3. Она не работаем.
4. Вы смотрите?
5. Он не читает.
6. Они не играют на пианино.
7. Я не пеку торт.
8. Она не поет.
9. Ее сестра не спит.
10. Бабушка не пьет чай?
11. Твои друзья пьют кофе?
12. Она работает за столом.
13. Я пишу письмо.
14. Я делаю упражнение.
15. Мальчики не плавают в бассейне.
16. Они играют в футбол?
17. Моя сестра моет пол.
18. Моя подруга помогает своему ребенку.
19. Ты помогаешь папе?
20. Ученики читают интересную историю.
21. Они читают книгу.
21. Она идет в школу.
22. Они читают?
23. Твоя бабушка кушает конфеты?
24. Джон готовит ужин.
25. Билл бегает в парке.
Упражнение№ 3. Задайте общий вопрос. Ответьте "Да. Нет."
Peter / to go / to the cinema
they / to play / a game
she / to listen /to the radio
I / to dream
they / to pack / their bags
you / to do / the washing-up
we / to talk / too fast
they / to clean / the windows
she / to watch / the news
you / to pull / my leg
Английский языкАвтор:
1 My book is lying on the table.
2 They are working.
3 The doctor and her patient are talking.
4 We are cooking dinner. My mother is making a salad.
5 A young man is driving a car. He is listening to music.
6 My grandfather is reading a book.
7 The pen is lying in the floor.
8 Are you having a break?
9 She is still singing.
1 We are writing.
2 They are not reading.
3 She is not working.
4 Are you watching?
5 He is not reading.
6 They are not playing the piano.
7 I am not baking a cake.
8 She is nit singing.
9 Her sister is not sleeping.
10 Isn't grandmother drinking tea?
11 Are your friends drinking coffee?
12 She is working at the desk.
13 I am writing a letter.
14 I am doing an exercise.
15 Boys are not swimming in the pool.
16 Are they playing football?
17 My sister is mopping the floor.
18 My friend is helping her child.
19 Are you helping your father?
20 Students are reading an interesting story.
21 She is reading a book.
21 She is going to school.
22 Are they reading?
23 Is your grandmother eating candies?
24 John is cooking dinner.
25 Bill is running in the park.
Is Peter is going to the cinema? - Yes ,he is.
Are they playing a game? - No, they are not.
Is she listening to the radio? - Yes, she is.
Am I dreaming? - Yes, you are.
Are they packing their bags? - No, they are not.
Are you doing the washing-up? - Yes, I am.
Are we talking too fast ? - No, you aren't.
Are they cleaning the windows? - Yes, they are.
Is she watching the news? - No, she isn't.
Are you pulling my leg ? - Yes, I am.
anariceДобавить свой ответ
Напишите сочинение на одну из данных тем"Майский день,каким я увидел(а) его сегодня(вчера,в прошлое воскресенье, в сквере,на нашей улице, из окна дома и т. д."
Русский языкАвтор:
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