Ответ я даю, но я не знаю, как сделать пятое и я не уверена в том, что всё правильно.2. I wish it wouldn`t happened when you were absent.4.I wish I took headache tablets.5.6.I wish you saved the letter.7.I wish somebody told her that it is impolite.8.She wished somebody had noticed her and asked what she had been doing there.9. I wish you always came in time10. I wish you watched this match.11. I wish the teacher would pay attention on your pronunciation.12.I wish you will be more accurate the next time.13. I wish I could describe you the scene, which followed then.14.I wish the doctor wouldn`t leave.15.I wish we knew his address.16.I wish I would be taught a foreign language when I was a child.17. She wished she could hear what the downstairs talk was.18. I wish you kept your things tidy.19.I wish he devoted his life to mathematics. It is has been his lovely subject since childhood.