1) fail - f) to sell the vegetables ( failed to sell the vegetables- не удалось продать овощи)2) pushed - c) a trolley (pushed a trolley - толкали тележку)3) call - g) your lines (called your lines - звонили вам) 4) whisper - d) in my ear (whisper in my ear - прошепчи мне на ухо)5) investigate - h) the crime ( to investigate the crime - расследовать преступление)6) pull - j) my bad tooth( pulled out my bad tooth - удалил мой плохой зуб)7) reward - a) the athletes (to reward the athletes -наградить спортсменов)8) invent - b) new medicines (to invent new medicine - открыть новое лекарство) = (изобрести)9) mumble - e) out his name (mumbled out his name - промямлил своё имя)10) publish - i) his novel (published his novel - опубликовал свой роман)