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javier2zn9People say, “Health is above wealth. ” If your body suffers from any disorder, your mindsuffers with it too. So, we are unable to make much progress in knowledge and business. Thousands of people are sure that sports is very helpful to have a good health. It is sportthat helps to be strong-willed and courageous. When you ask people why they spend on sport so much time, and sometimes money, theywill talk about the physical benefits (feeling fit, sleeping better) and the social advantages(meeting people with the same interests, the team spirit). However, the social aspectseems to be more important for men than for women. Very often, enjoying a drink withfriends after the match is also important. Of course, some people don’t think that sport is just a hobby; it is an everyday work forthem. Much is spoken about problems in professional sport. There is a lot drug taking insport. There is too much pressure on young sports people. But still many people areinvolved in professional sport and millions of people can not live without it. They preferwatching sporting events, but not to taking part in them. They are so-called sport-fans. Hockey, skiing and skating are among the most popular winter sports. In summerswimming is enjoyed by millions of people. Indeed, sport is a part of everyday life of many generations all other the world. So, if youthink that fitness and health are important you have to go in for sports.
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