As soon as I arrive in London I will write you a letterIf the weather is good, we will be able to go to the forest for mushroomsIf you go South, you order a round trip ticketIf he's sleeping when I come, I'll Wake him upI'll look through the newspaper after we eatI will walk before I go to bedWhile I clean the house, do you cook the lunchI'll come if I don't get sickI don't know whether to come NinaHe will be punished if he didn't keep his promiseOnce you pass the exams, we will head SouthI wonder will he participate in the expedition What will you do if no one will meet? -I'll leave my things in storage and take the busWe will discuss this issue after coming back DirectorWatch my son until I get backWe will go fishing on Saturday if it doesn't rain. I'll come get you as soon as I canShe doesn't know when you get her brotherLet's go to café after the end of the meetingIf he calls me today, I'll ask him to order the plane ticketsBefore I leave, I'll talk to the Manager I'll stay here until you're done Вроде бы так)))