Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы. (выделить модальные глаголы)
1. When A. Bell was only sixteen, he read all the books about sound that he could find.
2. In Boston Bell was so successful that he was able to open his own school when he was only twenty-five.
3. The research program is to be carried out according to the plan.
4. After the experiment you should air the laboratory for 10 minutes.
5. They had to begin their experiment again.
6. These new materials must withstand much higher temperatures than metals.
7. Nothing can live or grow in polluted water.
8. May we call you later?
9. As the Earth is our home we have to take care of it for ourselves and for the next generations.
10. They needn’t check the results of experiment. We have done it already.
7)ничто не может жить или расти в загрязненной воде(can) 8) Мы можем позвонить вам позже?(may) 9)т.к. земля наш дом мы должны позаботиться о ней для себя и будущих поколений(Have) 10) Им не нужно проверять результаты эксперимента. Мы уже сделали это.(Have)