1) Guaranteed, a) to make sure that something happens;
2) constitution, c) a system of laws and principles of a government or society;
3) assembly, d) a group of people who meet in one place for a common purpose;
4) taxes, g) an amount of money you have to pay to the goverment that it uses to
provide public services and pay for goverment institutions
5)protests, i) a meeting or public statement by people who strongly disagree with a policy, law, ect
6) equa lrights, e) rights that are the same for all people;
8) publishing, b) to put something written where other people can read it, on paper or online;
9)election, h) an occasion when people vote for someone to represent them, e.g. in the goverment
10) censor f) to remove parts of someone's speech, statement or
written work because it is considered harmful or improper for