1) since, since, for, for, for, since, since2) 2. I have had this watch for two years. 3. She has been in her room since7.30. 4. Dad had driven this car since January 2010. 5. I have known you for a year. 6. Mike hasn't seen Kate since Tuesday. 3) How long have you known your best friend? How long have you been at this school? How long your parents have owned a computer? How long has your friend had the same haircut?4) have just spilled; has just had; has just passed; have just fallen; has just walked; has just seen; has just eaten5) (2) I have. (3)Have you ever been there? (4)went (5)When did you go? (6)lived (7)Did you like (8) I did. 6) for, for, since, ever