1. What a pity you don't like poetry. 2. Wish I followed your advice. 3. What a pity that you are not familiar with his work. 4. I wish it was spring. 5. What a pity you never was in England. 6. We wished we had met her at the theatre. 7. I would like you to come to our dacha (cottage). 8. What a pity that the weather turned bad. 9. We would like to ensure you're never late. 0. I'd Like to know where they went. 11. How we wish you lived next door to them. 12. She regretted that came very early. 13. The girl was sorry she can't dance. 14. He regretted he was never in our club. 15. I'm sorry that you missed such an interesting lecture. 16. Mrs. Smith was sorry that her son is not a doctor.