Last January, my boyfriend and I were returningfrom our skiing holiday in Switzerland. We wereon a train to Geneva. Suddenlythe train stopped in the middle of a snowyfield. A few minutes later a conductorcame and explained the train was stuck in thesnow. We all got off and walked through deepsnow to a nearby village, where we were putin a school building. Some friendly peopleimmediately brought us hot coffee andfood. After that we slept in theclassrooms. Meanwhile, a snow plougharrived and dug out our train. Eventually we got on the train againand arrived in Geneva the next day. Unfortunately, we'd missed ourflight home. At first, the airlinewanted us to pay the full price of a new ticket.Fortunately, we managed topersuade them that the situation was specialand in the end they put us on thenext flight at no extra charge. Finally, we arrived home a day later, exhaustedbut amused by our adventure.2) Complete the sentences with the verbs inbrackets in the past perfect.Mike was hungry because he had left_(leave) his sandwiches at home.How long had you known_ (you/know) Steve beforeyou married him?Jessica was nervous because she__had never flown__(never/fly) before.I didn't know who the man was; _I hadn't seen__(not see) him before.Everything was ready; they _had brought_ (bring)all the equipment the day before.3) Complete each sentence with one verb inthe past simple and one in the past perfect.When Sophie ____ (came) to the party,Nick __had___ (already left).The rescue teams (arrived) ____immediately after the accident__had (happened).I_ (heard) a lot about John before we__had (met).Jack _ (was) annoyed because he_had (just had) an argumentwith his boss.After we_had (finished) all the work, we_ (went) bowling to relax.4) Complete the text with the verbs in bracketsin the correct form (past simple or past perfect).It was 10 p.m. when Julia finally made(make) herself a cup of hot chocolate and____ (sat) down on the sofa.It __was__ (be) a long, tiring day. She _had ___(have) eight lessons at school andthen she ____ (helped) her friend Zoe todecorate her room. Now she____ (felt)really exhausted, but also pleased with herself,because she _had_ (never painted) a roombefore and she _had done_ (do) a good job. She _ (took) a long delicious drinkof the hot chocolate and _ (opened) amagazine. She__ (saw) a mobile phoneadvertisement and suddenly she _(remembered) something. Oh no! She _ (had left) her mobile in Zoe's flat!