Dear Sven.Thank you for your letter.I'm very glad that our communication does not stop.Of course I will try to help you,because we're friends!The camp is located near the city of Ulyanovsk. I work about 7 hours a day,with breaks for lunch and afternoon tea.The work is different ,sometimes we will arrange your activities for children,but most often I teach them needlework.I think that your skills are enough to work in this camp.And yet,you love kids?Because it is very important for work.Sven,how are you doing in school?You haven't told me how your school routine.How is your dog sandy?She has recovered from canine influenza?I am very glad that you got your license.Tell me,was it difficult?Oh,Sven,my house was attacked by a mad dog ,I have to go.Notify me if the job suits you.Will wait for a response.Talk to you soon.With love