1. Is there a book on the table? Общий Where is a book? Специальный What is there on the table? Вопрос к подлежащему Is there a book or a magazine on the table? Альтернативный There is a book on the table, isn't there? Разделительный 2. Must he work hard today? ОбщийWhen must he work hard? Специальный Who must work hard today? Вопрос к подлежащемуMust he or she work hard today? Альтернативный He must work hard today, mustn't he? Разделительный 3. Are we leaving for Moscow next week? Общий When are we leaving for Moscow? Специальный Who is leaving for Moscow next week? Вопрос к подлежащему Are we leaving for Moscow or for London next week? Альтернативный We are leaving for Moscow next week, aren't we? Разделительный 4. Were we reading the whole evening? ОбщийWhen were we reading? Специальный Who was reading the whole evening? Вопрос к подлежащему Were we reading or cooking the whole evening? Альтернативный We were reading the whole evening, weren't we? Разделительный 5. Do they go to work on Sunday? Общий When don't they go to work? Специальный Who doesn’t go to work on Sunday? Вопрос к подлежащему Don’t they go to work on Sunday or Monday? Альтернативный They don't go to work on Sunday, do they? Разделительный 6. Is it cold today? ОбщийWhen isn’t it cold? Или When is it cold? Специальный What is the weather like today? Вопрос к подлежащему Is (isn’t) it cold or warm today? Альтернативный It is not cold today, is it? Разделительный