• 1. complete the sentences with at in or on.

    1. The results of the election were announced __at__ 11 o'clock.
    2. Mobile phones were invented _____ the 2-th century.
    2. Our flight is leaving ____ wednesday at 9.30 ____ the evening and arriving ___ 12 o'clock ____ Thursday.
    4. We have an exam ____ Monday morning.
    5. In most countries, banks and offices are closed ____ Christmas Day and New Year's Day.
    6. I hate driving ____ night, getting up early ____ the morning, and working ____ weekends.
    7. Steve Jobs was born ____ 1955, and he died ____ 5th October 2011.
    8. ____ Easter we went to Portugal and we're going again ____ the summe, probably the last two weeks ____ July.

Ответы 1

  • Ответы:
    • 2) in
    • 3) on; in; at; on
    • 4) on
    • 5) on
    • 6) at; in; at
    • 7) in; on
    • 8) at; in; in


    2) Mobile phones were invented in the 20th century.

    • Длительный период (век) => предлог in.

    3) Our flight is leaving on Wednesday at 9.30 in the evening and arriving at 12 o'clock on Thursday.

    • В 1-м дан конкретный день недели => предлог on; во 2-м время суток (вечер) => предлог in; в 3-м конкретный момент времени => предлог at; в 4-м конкретный день недели => предлог on.

    4) We have an exam on Monday morning.

    • Определенная часть дня (утро понедельника) => предлог on.

    5) In most countries, banks and offices are closed on Christmas Day and New Year's Day.

    • Конкретный день (имеется в виду именно 25 декабря, а не весь период Рождества — если бы в виду имелся он, был бы предлог at — at Christmas) => предлог on.

    6) I hate driving at night, getting up early in the morning, and working at weekends.

    • В 1-м устойчивое выражение at night; во 2-м время суток => предлог in; в 3-м короткий период, связанный с праздниками => предлог at.

    7) Steve Jobs was born in 1955, and he died on 5th October 2011.

    • В 1-м конкретный год => предлог in; во 2-м дата => предлог on.

    8) At Easter we went to Portugal and we're going again in the summer, probably the last two weeks in July.

    • В 1-м праздник => предлог at; во 2-м время года => предлог in; в 3-м месяц => предлог in.


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