D. It's my leg, doctor, it really hurtsA.Oh yes, it's the right one, isn't it. Where does it hurt?
D.B. The left one's fine. F. The pain's here, just above my foot..
A.Can you move it?
D...H. I can, but i hurts when I walk..
A.Does it? And how did you do this, Peter?
D.C. I was playing football this morning and I fell badly...
A.Did you leave the match when that happened?
D.G. Well I wanted to, but I had to play until the end.
A.That wasn't a very good idea, was it?
D...A. I suppose not. Will I need to go to hospital?..
A.It's not that bad! But don't play any football for two weeks
D. Right, I won't E. How long will it take?