II.1 My friends are engineers. 2 These men are drivers.3 There are interesting articles in this magazine. 4 Those women are doctors. 5 The children have nice toys.6 The boysame have white mice.7 The booksame are on the shelves. III.1 - 2 a3 a4 -5 a6 the7 a, a8 -IV.1 These2 That3 This4 that5 my6 our7 his8 herV.1 were2 is3 is4 was5 is6 are7 is8 areVI.1 has2 has3 has4 will have5 have6 had7 had8 will haveVII.1 There is2 there is3 there are4 are there5 are there6 were there7 Is there VIII.1 is showing2 am sitting, doing 3 isn't sitting, is standing 4 is getting 5 is playing 6 are testing 7 is writing