Part 1. 1. Open water swimming has been included into the programme of the Olympic Games since 2008.2.The water pollo match has been played since 1869.3.The Wimbledon championship has been held since 1877.4.Rugby teams have been organized all over Britain since 1845.5.The Derby Horse Rase has been held since1790.6. Football has been played for hundreds of years.7. The University boat-rave has been rowed on the Thames almost every spring since 1836.8. Football has been included into the programme of the Olympic Games since 1900.Part 2.1. The Olympic games were organized in 1896.2. The anthen has been played at the opening and closing ceremony since 1958.3. The first Paralympic Games were started in 1948.4. The Tour de France cycling race has been held for more than a century.5. The 2004 Olympic Games were held in Greece.6. The first water polo world championship was taken place in 1973.