1 the Booshoi and the Maly theatres are the oldest in Moscow. 2 it's impossible to see the Hermitage in one day. 3 The Tate Gallery in London was founded by Sir Henry State.4 when be comes to London, he always stays at the Ritz. 5 The usual sights of British capital are : the Houses of Parliament , Big Ben, Tower Bridge, the Tower, the Madam Tussaaud , Trafalgar Square. 6 There are always a lot of people on Manezh Square. 7 Sometimes we have dinner at the bar the Big Bite.8 the Winter Palace faces the Nevada. 9 we saw the Mona Lisa when we went to the Louvre in Paris.10 the Democratic Party won the elections in the USA.11 She went to Richmond Grammar School. 12 Oxford University is the oldest in the UK.13 All doctors give the Hippocratic Oath.14 Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen of England. 15 the Olympic Games first started Greece.16 She works for Cosmopolitan. 17 He used to read Obverse, but now he prefers the Times.