1 If I were ( Past Simple)you, I would eat ( Future in the Past) less chocolate and more fruit. 2 She will not go ( Future Simple)to the dentist tomorrow if she can cancel ( Present Simple)her appointment. 3 Nicole will lose ( Future Simple) weight if she exercises. ( Present Simple)4 We will leave ( Future Simple) without her if she arrives ( Present Simple) late. 5 I wish I had ( Past Simple) more time to cook a better meal. 6 If he were ( Past Simple) scared, he would call ( Future in the Past) us to go over to his house. 7 She wouldn't have missed the play if she had left ( Past Perfect) on time. 8 Todd goes (Present Simple) to bed early if he is working ( Present Progressive)the next morning. 9 If I were ( Past Simple) you, I'd keep ( Future in the Past)quiet about the accident. 10 Angelina won't come ( Future Simple) if she doesn't get ( Present Simple) a lift from her mum. 11 Kevin reads ( Present Simple)a book if there is ( Present Simple) nothing good on television. 12 Will you help ( Future Simple)us when you finish ( Present Simple)?1,6,9 это условные предложения второго типа -Conditional II2,3,4 10,12 это условные предложения первого типа-Conditional I7 это условное предложение третьего типа-Conditional III8,11 это условные предложения нулевого типа Zero Conditional 5 это условное предложение с конструкцией I wish...