Choose suitable prepositions (at, by, from, in, for, with, around, off, through, to) where necessary.
1.Matilda borrowed several books ____ the Library.
2. He knew her well enough to see ___ her behaviour
3..Have you read any novels___ Ivan Turgenev?
4. Will you see ___my daughter while I ’m away?
5.What’s the matter ___ her?
Translate these sentences into English.
Этот фильм оставил глубокое впечатление.
Фильм «Матильда» пользуется успехом у молодой аудитории.
Аудитория аплодировала актерам очень громко.
1) to2) - 3)by 4) -5) with This film left a deep impression "Matilda" is successfull among a young audience The audience applauded the actors very loudly.